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June 24, 2008
        June 24, 2008   

Meeting:        Salem Licensing Board held Monday June 23, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. in the third floor conference room, 120 Washington Street. Present were Chairman, Dave Shea, Members: John Casey, and Rick Lee, Special Investigator Lt. Ouellette and Melissa Pagliaro, Clerk.

Approved:       One Day Entertainment License. Applicant: Patrick Hagen for Ward II Social Club, 1-3 East Collins Street. This event is for the neighborhood to celebrate 60 years in business for the club.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve the license for Saturday, July 19 with a live band playing from 1-5 pm. With the restrictions, that there will be no gambling, other than a 50/50 raffle, and no drinking outside other than the patio area.
        Mr. She seconded.
        All in favor.

Postponed:      Salem Waterfront Hotel. Original request to extend premises to a tent in the parking lot. Attorney Joseph Correnti called and asked if this item could be carried over to the next meeting as they have some other items and would like to present it all at once.

Approved:       Application for  Street Performers License. Applicant: John S. Corcoran. He said he is a folk singer who has been professionally singing since he was 14 years old. He will be using a small amount of amplification.
        Mr. Casey asked how donations will be solicited and stated he cannot pass anything around to collect donations.
        Mr. Corcoran said he will have something stationary in front of where he stands to perform.
        Mr. Casey told him that the license would be good for 7 days a week from 10 am-3pm in the B-5 location.
        Mr. Lee motioned to approve.
        Mr. Casey seconded.
        All approved.

No-Show:        Jeffrey Hingston: Application for Street Performers License

Approved:       Application for Change of Location: Applicant: TFS Used Cars Present: John Adams and Dana Rogers.
        Mr. Adams has built a new structure at 19 Hersey Street behind the Dunkin’Donuts on Canal Street.
                Mr. Casey said that Mr. Adams needs to submit certified engineering plans and plans for                 painting white lines for vehicles.
                Mr. Adams said that they will have 20 vehicles. The hot topping was just completed so he                        is not sure where lines will be.
                Mr. Shea said that we do not transfer a license that we issue them on location.
Mr. Casey said that the other license for the Canal Street address would have to be dissolved first.
Mr. Casey motioned to dismiss the License for 138-142 Canal Street.
Mr. Lee seconded.
All approved.

Mr. Casey motioned to approve the license for 19 Hersey Street pending the receipt of the certified plans and line painting plan.
Mr. Lee seconded
All approved
Approved:       Application for Class II Auto Dealer License. Applicant: Salvador Martinez, d/b/a/ Salem Auto Gallery. Present was Salvador Martinez, Luis Minaya, seller and his wife Jarissa Marte.
        Mr. Shea said any approval is contingent on removing a red car that is currently parked on the lot.
        Mrs. Marte said that they are taking care of that immediately.
        Mr. Shea asked what plans Mr. Martinez had for the business and what his experience is.
        Mr. Martinez said he has over 10 years of experience in the auto business and currently work for a auto business in Everett, Ma. He also stated that he hoped to bring nicer vehicles to the lot and will make sure to maintain the property.
        Mr. Shea asked of his plans to open and Mr. Martinez said he would like to open immediately. The Board already has all the information and paperwork required on file. Mr. Martinez will come to pick up the License on Friday, June 27, 2008 by noon time.
        Mr. Shea asked about the lease at the property.
        Mrs. Marte said that Mitch Sobrera will be involved for one more year.
        Lt. Ouellette questioned the lease stating that Mr. Sobrera stated to him that there currently was no lease.
        Mrs. Marte said there is a lease and she is trying to help Mr. Martinez get a 5 year lease agreement between the owner of the property, Phil Labonte and Mr. Martinez.
        Mr. Shea suggested that we put Mr. Martinez on the agenda one year from now to provide the Board with a copy of a lease agreement strictly between him and Mr. Labonte.
        Mr. Casey motioned to extinguish present license in the name of Luis Minaya.
        Mr. Lee seconded.
        All approved.

        Mr. Casey motioned to approve license for Salvador Martinez d/b/a/ Salem Auto Gallery for 15 vehicles, more if he can provide proper documentation. Also need to come back in one year to show Board new lease.
        Mr. Lee seconded.
        All approved.

Business:       Dan from Salem Cycle came to inquire about a license to hold a bike race on the common on Wednesday, August 13, 2008 from 4pm-8pm. The race must have sponsors that will want to set booths up on the common.  He said this event will be family oriented.
        Mr. Shea said the Board could issue a blanket License for the event and asked if they had an idea on how many sponsors they are looking at.
        Salem Cycle said no more than a dozen.
        Mr. Casey said we can also do a food vendor License if the vendors went through the other departments needed.
        Mr. Shea said once they have the sponsor list to see Ellen Talkowsky and she will direct them. Mr. Shea also asked that they show diligence in which they have for sponsors.
        Dan from Salem Cycles said they would like it to be local business.
        Mr. Shea charge for sponsors will be left up to Salem Cycle.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve the Witches Cup Organization for the race, with the ability to have up to 12 sponsors. Vendors are to complete probation check.
        Mr. Lee seconded.
        All approved.

Gallery:        Mr. Roland Dumas, who was seated in the audience almost the whole meeting, asked about when TFS Used Cars would be heard.
        Mr. Casey told him it had already been heard.
        Mr. Shea asked him if there were concerns.
        Mr. Dumas said he thought the building was rather big and was concerned about where the access to the building would be.  He questioned if vehicles would be able to drive through Bagel World. 
        Mr. Lee said entrance would only be on Hersey Street.
        Mr. Shea said that if there were any problems at all to come back and see the Board.

Business:       Application for one day Liquor License. Applicant: Claire Kallelis for Hawthorne Hotel.         
        Hawthorne Hotel applying for 1 Day License for Lexia Learning, corporate event to be held at House of Seven Gables on July 13, 2008.
        Ms. Kallelis said that it would be beer and wine only.
        Lt. Ouellette said there were some issues with how these applications were being completed and what the law states.             
        Mr. Shea said the information that submitted was fine.
        Ms. Kallelis asked about what the correct process is for future events.
        Mr. Casey said the process was easier if it is under Hawthorne’s name.
        Ms. Kallelis handed out a letter that was mailed to Barbara Sirois in 2006 asking about the guidelines for obtaining one day licensed but says she never received a response.
***A discussion took place among the Board on what the correct and legal way to go about these licenses are.
                Board agreed that further clarification is needed.

        Lt. Ouellette said that the ABCC says that applicants ABSOULUTLEY have to go through wholesalers’ to purchase alcohol for these events.
        Ms. Kallelis said the board told her that Hawthorne could represent the client but she calls the wholesaler and the bill goes to the client.
        Lt. Ouellette said that a 1 Day Liquor License could not be of profit for anyone. He also stated that the ABCC told him the name of the Liquor License should be in the name of the actual client.

        Lt. Ouellette wants to be on record as stating what the actual law involving this is. He said the memo from the ABCC a couple of years ago states that the clients themselves have to go to wholesalers.
        Mr. Shea said the Board will seek clarification on all of these matters.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve 1 Day Liquor for Lexia learning, for about 140 people from 6:30-11 p.m.  Certificate of Liability submitted by Hawthorne Hotel
        Mr. Lee seconded.
        All approved.

ications:       E-mail received about noise after mid-night at Lobster Shanty on Monday June 23 , 2008 from Mr. Clay Colarusso.
        Board is asking them to attend next meeting in July to discuss noise complaint.

Gallery:        Shirley Walker who resides at 51 Lafayette Street voiced an issue with plastic signs that are being used by Spirits @ 300 Derby Street.
        Ms. Walker thought this was the DRB meeting. Mr. Shea told her we would send the DRB an e-mail to make them aware that she has an issue to discuss.

Mr. Lee motioned to adjourn, Mr. Casey seconded, all approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Melissa Pagliaro

Submitted 6/24/2008